Republic of the Philippines

Municipality of Manay, Davao Oriental

Philippine Government Home Page

Recent Events

Livelihood/Project Assistance

Another livelihood project/assistance was released to our three (3) Out of School Youth (OSY); 2 solo parents/ and 1 woman in emergency need. Each OSY received an amount of Php 20,000.00 while women had 10,000.00 each. In photos: Ms. Lilian A. Dayanghirang (Focal Person on Solo Parent & Women) and Ms. Belinda Duay (YDO 1) during the project briefing.

Article written by: MSWDO Manay

Published: 2022-12-12

Local Council of Women Year-End Review, Evaluation and Planning Workshop

Local Council of Women Year-End Review, Evaluation and Planning Workshop and Christmas Party held at Dawis Resort, Central, Manay. It was indeed a meaningful gathering and discussion because we're able to tackle the different agenda to include; Presentation of individual accomplishments, recommendations and planning. It was also timely to discuss different issues on women since today is the 16th of 18-day Campaigned to END VAW, the Women Focal Person Ms. Lilian A. Dayanghirang shared a glimpse on the RA 10398 AN ACT DECLARING NOVEMBER TWENTY-FIVE OF EVERY YEAR AS "NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN" According to Philippine Commission on Women...because VAW appears as one of the country’s pervasive social problems, various measures and mechanisms have been employed and implemented to address it. One of which is the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, an advocacy campaign that is observed annually from November 25 to December 12 as mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006. MSWDO is actually doing and observing this for the first time and hopefully sustain implementing in the coming years.

Article written by: MSWDO Manay

Published: 2022-12-10

Public Information

By embracing the 5 R’s of Zero-Waste, in this order, you can help reduce the amount of plastic waste you generate!
Refuse– say no to things you don’t need
Reduce– limit overconsumption of what you do need
Reuse – extend the lifecycle of the product
Recycle – learn the best way to sort your waste
Rot – compost anything that remains

Manay Vision

A socially stable and economically progressive municipality in pursuit of sustainable agriculture and eco-tourism development within the context of respect to mother nature that nurtures gender responsive, climate smart, resilient, culture-centered, and liveable community through dynamic leadership and good governance sustained by peace loving, God centered and law abiding citizenry.

Manay Mission

In partnership with all stakeholders, will work in unity and solidarity in promoting the general welfare of the people of the municipality by transforming Manayans into self- reliant, self- managing, law-abiding and God- loving community living in prosperity, unity, justice, happiness and peace.

Manay Goal

Propelled towards building an eco - friendly responsive governance, culture-centered, gender sensitive and responsive, climate-smart, resilient and a strong community with socio economic, self sufficiency and stability for the next ten years (2024-2033).

Municipal Ordinances

NOTE: If you cannot find a specific ordinance or title, or if you want a printed copy, or other inquiries, please contact the Secretary to the Sanggunian directly(

Weather Report

Social Welfare Section


Reminders For Solo Parents

Featured Articles


Official Local Government Website of the Municipality of Manay,Davao Oriental 2024

Hon. Jon Marco M. Dayanghirang
Municipal Mayor